Culture and Cosmos is a peer-reviewed academic journal in the history of astrology and cultural astronomy published by the Sophia Centre Press in partnership with the Sophia Centre for the Study of Cosmology in Culture, Faculty of Humanitiies and the Performing Arts, at the University of Wales Trinity Saint David

We are currently seeking submissions for future volumes of Culture and Cosmos.

Volume 3, No. 1

Firmicus Maternus and the Star of Bethlehem

Michael R. Molnar

The Mathesis of Julius Firmicus Maternus describes astrological aspects responsible for bestowing divinity and immortality. These conditions have been identified as the major astrological components of the Star of Bethlehem. Moreover, closer examination reveals that Firmicus juxtaposed pagan and Christian themes, which suggests he was a pagan making the transition to Christianity.

Contact Us

Dr. Nick Campion,, (University of Wales Trinity Saint David) Chair

For queries about technical issues or the website:
Dr. Frances Clynes, (University of Wales Trinity Saint David)

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