We are currently seeking submissions for future volumes of Culture and Cosmos.
Volume 27 - 1 & 2
Culture and Cosmos Vol 27 no 1 and 2, Spring/Summer and Autumn/Winter 2023
Cosmic Explorations: at the Intersection of Science, Space, Art, and Culture
Edited by Nicholas Campion, John Hatch, Chris Impey and Valerie Shrimplin
This volume of Culture and Cosmos is an anthology from the the eleventh Conference on the Inspiration of Astronomical Phenomena (INSAPXI), ‘Cosmic Explorations: at the Intersection of Science, Space, Art, and Culture’, held at Caltech, Pasadena, on September 20-23 2022. doi.org/10.46472/CC.01227
The INSAPXI conference: ‘Cosmic Explorations: at the Intersection of Science, Space, Art, and Culture’,
The Conferences on the Inspiration of Astronomical Phenomena.
For other INSAP volumes published via the Sophia Centre please see:
The INSAPIV anthology, Culture and Cosmos, Vol. 8, no 1 and 2 (2004).
The INSAPVII anthology, Culture and Cosmos, Vol. 16, no 1 and 2 (2012).
The INSAPIX anthology, Imagining Other Worlds, published by the Sophia Centre Press (2018).
The association with INSAP and its various partners represents a significant contribution both to the University of Wales Trinity Sain David’s global presence, and to the Sophia Centre’s research culture and impact, and we welcome the opportunity to publish this selected anthology of INSAPXI conference papers.
The cover image shows the ceiling of the Old Sacristy San Lorenzo, 1442 (Public Domain via Wikimedia Comms), see Valerie Shrimplin, Dark Skies and Light Pollution: An Art-Historical Approach’, pp. 117-134 (p. 128).
Title and Text
Valerie Shrimplin
S. George Djorgovski
Danielle Adams
Marilina Cesario
Richard Poss
J. McKim Malville
Gloria Vallese
Annette Lee
Valerie Shrimplin
Gary Wells
Stephen Little
Jamie L. Molaro
Valerie Shrimplin
Holly Henry
Leila Belkora
John Hatch
Gordon L. Houston
E.C. Krupp
Ashish Mahabel